Check out this latest video from our High School Youth, July 2020
Our 2018-19 Rite 13 Class made a wonderful video in response to the question : "Where do I find God?" Check it out below!
Our 9th-12th grade youth meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at St. Andrew’s for fun and service projects.
Our 5th-8th graders meet on the 4th Sunday of each month from 5:00-6:30.
YouYouth Page
St. Andrew's Book of Wisdom
for our 13-year-olds 2019
Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.
Be kind.
~ Allen (97-year-old father, grandfather, and great-grandfather)
Four things that will change you for the better if you let them: love, music, art, and grief. The first three will keep you passionately connected to the world. If you allow it, the last can make you brave.
~ Martha, grandmother
Hug your family and friends. Forgive others and yourself. Smile, laugh, sing, dance often. Remember many people love you and the best is God! You are not alone!
~ Suellen, mother of two
Enthusiasm is contagious.
Eat right.
Count your blessings every day.
Be 10 minutes early for school and church.
Charity begins at home.
Put away texting when you cross the street.
You can do anything you want if you don't get in a hurry.
Do not lie, cheat or steal. Do not associate with those who do.
~ Barry, pre-geezer
Always be true to yourself and stand up against injustice in your schools when you see it, even if it’s not the popular thing to do.
~ Meggie, age 33
Remember that God loves you no matter what and that, while becoming a teenager is exciting, it can also be overwhelming at times. Know that you are not alone.
~ Ellie, age 28
Kids, the camera (or life) is always on. This means, whatever you do with others is the impression you leave with them. Whenever you’re with others, remember … it’s not only how you feel. It’s also how you make others feel.
~ Bill, 76, grandfather of 3
Always be prepared to “seize the day,” but cherish each moment of life. Francis Bacon said it beautifully, “we have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand—and melting like a snowflake.”
~ Rob—age 63, dad of 2 daughters
Keep your hearts open to give God’s Love and to receive God’s Love
~ Jane—almost old
Remember that God loves you with a perfect love, just as you are, and you are precious in Her sight. You are always forgiven. NOTHING can separate you from the love of God.
~ Wise old woman Cam, age 64.
Stay close to God. He is always close to you.
~ Bonnie, mom, age 57
Question everything! Never settle for less than the best.
~ Mike
When you are going through a tough time, it is OK to ask for help … or to ask for someone to listen to you. Sharing your feelings about a problem can lighten the load on your shoulders … and help you make it through to better times.
From one of today’s songs (#598), “O Love that triumphs over loss, we bring our hearts before the cross.”
~ Susan, mother of three young adults
Spend time each day, at the beginning and end, thinking about what you are thankful for, proud of, or want for you. Ten minutes in the morning and at night, without other people telling you what to think, will help you get to know yourself, so you are secure in you.
~ Marie, age 35
In all things, remember God and offer thanksgiving.
Keep at it: Life does get better and clearer in time.
~ Father Bill
Try your very best to surround yourself with people, places, and things that inspire you to be your best self and live your most meaningful dreams!
~ Ms. Emily, mom of Leo and Zora
“To everyone there opens a way, and ways, and a way. And the high soul climbs the high way, and the low soul gropes the low. And in between, on the misty flats, the rest drift to and fro. But to everyone there opens a high way and a low. And everyone decides which way her soul shall go.”
~ Mother Anne, adapted from a poem by John Oxenham